Saturday, April 23, 2011

Martial Arts Lessons, Baseball, Football, or Soccer?

As a boy, my parents took me to try out all the typical sports. As a an adult, I am now able to reflect back on all those activities --and I have an opinion about sports that might help you (parents), if you too are considering something athletic for your own child.

The martial arts lessons I took, hands down, left me with the most powerful memories, usable resources, and the richest experiences of all the sports I participated in. Just this morning for example, I was recalling something one of my teachers used to say, “If you can’t, then you must --and if you must, then you will.”

Even now as an adult, as I continue my training and the lessons learned continue to be valuable, as they reinforce the principles of Black Belt. like courage, honor, integrity, compassion, perseverance and respect. I am forever training to become a master and I will always explore areas of self defense that include more than just kicking and punching, like Diabetes awareness, obesity, body image, anger management, environmental self defense and community service.

My life is my dojo and my training has become a way of life, which it does eventually for many of my students.

Martial arts lessons will stick with your child. I’m more confident today, more capable, and better when the pressure is on -- and I attribute a lot of that to my martial arts training.

Parents, invest in lessons. They’re worth it!

Sensei Chris Feldt

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