Samurai Karate Studio offers several free workshops though out the year covering stranger danger, anti-bullying strategies, and self defense for women.
Sensei Feldt also makes himself available for presentations in the local schools, covering the topics listed above as well as Acts of kindness Challenges, Way of the Samurai character development, Presentation of traditional weapons, career days, reading days, etc. He has done school talks at Sandlapper Elementary, Rice Creek Elementary, North Springs Elementary and Bridgecreek Elementary Schools.
Samurai Karate Studio has also worked with Sister Care, a domestic violence shelter that serves battered women.
If you are a corporation that would like to structure a specific program for your employees, Sensei Feldt is always glad to accommodate your requests.
Call today at 803-462-9425 schedule your workshop date.
2000 Clemson Road
Suite # 9
Columbia, SC 29229