Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Bully Project

Bullying is a national tragedy!

The facts are staggering and we know that bullying effects millions of kids each year!

Do you have a bullying story you want to share?

You are not alone!

The creators of the Bully Movie, have created a website where you can share you bullying story in the hopes that others will have the courage to report their story as well.

Click HERE to tell your story.

If you or someone you know is a victim of bullying, please let me help!  Call me at 803-462-9425 and I will work with you one on one!

Don't wait before it's too late!  We have lost far too many children to bullying this year alone!


Sensei Chris Feldt

Samurai Karate Studio

Columbia, SC 29229


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