This blog, provided by Sensei Chris Feldt of Samurai Karate Studio, located in Richland Northeast Columbia, SC, is intended to serve as a resource for those who may be seeking information on martial arts and self-defense classes and training opportunities in and around the Greater Columbia Area.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
October Is Domestic Violence Month
You can see a video of the segments below:
Thanks again to WLTX for being such a gracious host.
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Halloween Safety Tips
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
2000 Clemson Road
Suite # 9
Columbia, SC 29229
Sunday, October 9, 2011
One Day!
There is so much conflict in the world!
From the Middle East to Afghanistan to Iraq.
From the Arab Spring which has resulted in regime change and the loss of thousands of lives.
From the economic crisis in America and Europe, with the near collapse of our banking system, that is slowly reaching into Asia.
From the Tea Party rally's to the Wall Street demonstrations.
From the high unemployment rate with millions without a job, to a growing homeless population.
The left is attacking the right and vice-versa.
Washington has mastered the art of the "blame game" with neither party accepting responsibility for what is going on.
One Day!
I am confident that one day, we will be part of a kinder, gentler world, because of the work we are doing! As school owners, we have audience to a large sphere of influence if we make the most of it.
Our curriculum touches on all things human -- strong and vibrant as well as frail and compassionate.
We have the power to CHANGE the world; one student, one parent, one community at a time!
One Day!
This blog post is a part of The Ultimate Black Belt Test (, an undertaking of The 100 (, and a part of Samurai Karate Studio (